Victor Margolin, Le Bauhaus in Weimar, 2015.
Extrait de Victor Margolin, World History of Design, T2, « The Bauhaus in Weimar », Bloomsbury, 2015, p. 40-46.
Victor Margolin, Le Bauhaus de Dessau et Berlin, 2015.
Extrait de Victor Margolin, World History of Design, T2, « The Bauhaus in Dessau and Berlin », Bloomsbury, 2015, p. 49-58.
Ressources en ligne
Hans Maria Wingler, The Bauhaus, Weimar, Dessau, Berlin, Chicago, MIT Press, 1976.
Flaminio Gualdoni, Bauhaus, Skira, 2009.
Andrew Kennedy, Bauhaus, Star Fire, 2006.
Herbert Bayer, Walter Gropius, Ise Gropius, Bauhaus 1919-1928, Charles T. Branford Company, Boston, 1959.
Gillian Naylor, The Bauhaus, Studio vista / Dutton, 1968.
Uwe Westphal, The Bauhaus, Studio Editions, London, 1991.
Judith Carmel-Arthur, Bauhaus, Carlton books, 2000.
Margret Kentgens-Craig, The Dessau Bauhaus Building, 1926-1999, Birkhäuser, 1998.
Bauhausbücher / Bauhaus Journal
Bauhaus Archiv
Bauhaus Dessau
Collection Bauhaus — Harvard Art Museums
Bauhaus Kooperation
Bauhaus Bookshelf